Saturday, September 03, 2005

Rolland Baker... He Believes in Jesus of the Bible!

Rolland & Heidi Baker
Missionaries to the Poorest of the Poor in Mozambique

Watched a video of Heidi and Rolland taking kids back to their home. They minister to the poorest of the poor, the orphans.

After a 40 days of rain and 40 nights of rain. Half of Mozambique was destroyed by flood waters.

The entire nation of Mozambique is coming to God. They are on the front lines of watching the nation of Africa take notice.

What will it take for America to come to know God.

They are seeing people come to Christ just by showing up and asking the Holy Spirit to come. The place erupts with God. People are thirsty for God. Once when they showed up with food to feed the starving, people by-passed the food to get to the tracts and the Bibles. They are desperate for God. Revival is happening because they are desperate.

We don't chase signs and wonders, we don't chase works of the spirit. We don't chase money. We just chase Christ and these other things seem to follow.

53 people to his knowledge have been raised from the dead in Mozambique.

The church in Africa is exploding because they have found the All Mighty God. The Muslims have given up on Africa. Their numbers are slipping (according to Rolland).

The joy of the Lord is their strength. People are coming to the meetings because they hear that Jesus has shown up. So they go to these meetings, some 10,000 at a time standing in the rain listening to the Gospel. They don' t worry about "Seeker Sensative". They come because Jesus is there. Jesus is alive.

What is fueling this movement of God is just sheer pure humility. People are humble before God.

Summary: This guy knows Jesus and knows that the God the Bible is still alive and well. He wanted to go to the poorest of the poor. Well, they now are part of a thriving ministry of people, ordinary uneducated people starting churches and living the Christian life to the fullest.


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