Monday, September 05, 2005

Wolfgang's Charge to go start churches... People lined up.

Wolfgang's Charge to go start churches... People lined up.
Originally uploaded by yafflickr.

The following are notes from the last meeting. Roger Thoman assisted in the taking of notes.

The problem is not with the Harvest it is with the Harvesters. The Harvesters are not prepared.

He has seen so many people who have enjoyed a revival but the emphasis was on the "enjoyed". They forgot that the Holy Spirit is an apostolic figure. Upon receiving the Holy Spirit, you are sent out.

Receiving the Holy Spirit is not meant to be a fleeting moment. It is not the moment .

Enemy wants us to believe that the harvest is not ripe.

Preparing the harvest workers

Holy Spirit is apostolic-- not for us to enjoy

Spirit comes-- then there is a kicking out process-- casting out laborers for the harvest-- separating people from things they cling to that makes them unusable for the harvest

Our safe life-- keeps us from being cast out

This is preparation time-- things are not yet exploding-- so make us ready for this

We have to learn to trust God for our finances-- God pays for what He orders.

There is an absence of God's order-- church being run according to the rules of the world

What do people do when they get up? People need to be slain in the flesh.

Kingdom = new set of rules that need to be heard-- not your own weapons and tools
You are not your own-- you are the property of God
Sword - word
Cycle- for harvest
Take your place in the army

God is not going to sign off on your strategy

Love others and serve them = God's order

Judges 3:31 -- Shamgar-- the hero-- saved Israel-- spiritual super-heros do it all-- This is the hour of the small guys. Bye-bye to Shamgar.

Don't build the house without the Lord-- He builds it.

How is it when God builds the house-- and when the HS comes and stays.

He builds according to a pattern in heaven -- we reflect what He is about

Marriage reflects what He is in heaven perfectly

Noah built according to the pattern-- then the HS came (rain) and stayed

People take dirt from the ground to build things from-- rather than the pattern from heaven.

Brick=symbol of rebellion

We make beautiful, living people into bricks. They don't want to be part of your plan.

They want love, passion, and let's turn the world upside down.

Spirit's structure has seed in it-- and reproduces itself.


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