Art Miller adding to the Blog
Art Miller adding to the Blog
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Art Miller
Neil Cole spoke for the second time this morning, and covered the development of leaders. He explained the need for multiplying leaders as a fundamental requirement for supporting the multiplication of disciples and then churches. The big picture is useful here to see why this is so needed. 100 million new house churches in the next fifteen years is a large picture, but is entirely possible. Neil said 100 million new house churches isn't enough. They need to be healthy and vibrant: real pictures of Christ living in their community.
After explaining the need before us, Neil moved into concepts for developing leaders. There were quite a few, and it is a challenge to decide which parts to leave out. One key piece is that leadership development must come relationally, from other leaders, pouring into them. He also said to look for leaders in the hurting and the broken, the rejected, those who have been passed by on the side of the road as lost. Instilling in them the spiritual DNA (Divine Truth, Nurturing relationships, Apostolic Missions - see Life Transformation Groups for more info) into them allows them to be independent Spirit led people, meaning they can move into the calling God has for them. The final point I'd want to share is a great concept Neil illustrated with the "Hoosiers" movie. The head coach intentionally gets thrown out of the big State game, and forces the assistant coach to step up and make the calls. It can be difficult to yield control, but it isn't ours to take. It's the final step of raising a leader - and very Christlike.
Thanks for the chance to share - Neil had a lot of things that aren't here, but are on the video. If your interested you'll have to watch the video.
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