Friday, September 02, 2005

Sense at this point in the morning...

I sense at this point that God is talking to my heart. This conference for me is about three things.

1. Holiness - I must continue to struggle towards that goal. Ministry will continue effectiveness as Bill continually strives to release sin issues in his life to God.
2. Prayer - I must continue the struggle to stay focussed on this item. My job description is just that, prayer. (Personal, for Workers, for geographic areas, for family)
3. Family - It all begins in the home and will go out from our homes. Holiness, prayer, peace, love, etc. all must come from our home out to other homes. If it is not happening at home, it cannot be given away.

After hearing these things over and over again for 2 hours, I took a walk to pray. Called Jenny to tell her that I love her. Grabbed a snack to get the blood sugar up. Prayed and wept a little more. These three things above are burning in my heart.


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