Friday, September 02, 2005

A quick thought by Mike Steele

Mike got up before Neil cole and shared a quick thought he had. Here is a summary of it.

Folks, this is about relationships. If you think you can get it out of a book. You are wrong. If you think you can package it and sell a program this is wrong. I cannot say it any stronger.

He is right. It is about diving into relationship with people and imparting life to them. Imparting the story of Jesus Christ through words and through actions. Jesus was available to his disciples to move them along their journey towards maturity. We need to understand that hanging out with each other and encouraging each other in our key relationships, God and Family, is critical to the maturing of the saints.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. It is a big help. I put it up on my own site because I think this is at the heart of Christianity: relationship.

My in-laws have been involved in very intense, Spirit-filled ministry in a prison and keep coming back to the word relationship. God breaks down so many things and boils it down to relationships with him and with one another. It's so good to hear that truth of God being shared so pointedly. Blessings

8:00 PM, September 02, 2005  

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