Friday, September 02, 2005

House Church Conference Begins with Praise and Singing...

House Church Conference Begins with Praise and Singing...
Originally uploaded by yafflickr.

Opening the Conference with a Band???

The conference was opened with a worship band. Not your typical band. A family leading worship at a house church conference. It was appropriate. The music was inspiring and uplifting. When the music sang about dancing, people danced on the side. When the music sang of lifting your hands, people lifted their hands. People where in all sorts of praise and worship or as I would like to call it... prayer and meditation set to music. (Worship is what we do all day not just to music.) People were reading their Bibles. Kids sang with their parents. Couples held hands and just prayed. Old people (70+) were raising their hands and praising God. Young and old were at this conference. Such a mix of generations is delightful.

Prayers of the saints could be heard during the praise and music time. I was compelled to write during this time of praise. Remembering who I am before God almighty and the lies that the evil one wants us to listen to. Here is a sample of some of the things He brought to my mind.

-I am forgiven... Evil wants me to feel shame and embarresment... God says I was worth dying for
-I am victorious in Jesus... Evil wants me to feel failure... God says he will fight the battle, stand back and be amazed at me(God) Bill!
-I can trust God... Evil says God will forget about me... I will protect you and keep you.
-I am a child of God... Evil says I am alone... God says you are my son.
-I am a child of the King... Evil says you are fatherless... God says, I adopted you!
-I have access to God... Evil says that God is too busy... God says, Call unto me and I will answer you.

God is the one worthy of praise. Praise be to God Almighty. I and We should be amazed at the wonders of his creation, his work in our lives, and everything that takes place. I encourage you to take some time this next day, get away and be amazed at God. Read through the Creation account and take a long walk through it. Experience the Joy of the Lord! Experience the Joy of His Creation. God is worthy of Praise.

The room is filled with round tables. Rich Amick would be proud of the set up team... no rows of chairs! Round tables to accomidate sum 500+?? people.

I gather a sense that this will have to get smaller not larger. Maybe they will break it down into regions. It still has a personal touch.


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